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City vs. country insurance

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 4:05 pm
by Dragonheart
Dont see what the fuss is, 'bout time the rest of the country got a bit of a bonus because they're not living in dublin. The insurance companies have figured out theres more people in the country than just the capital city maybe now the government will too.

Re: QUINN wont insure some areas of Dublin

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:21 pm
by CJ
Dragonheart wrote: 'bout time the rest of the country got a bit of a bonus because they're not living in dublin. The insurance companies have figured out theres more people in the country than just the capital city maybe now the government will too.

You're gone way off on a tangent MJ, the discussion is centred on refusal to quote based on postcode or area as opposed to anything else.

Anyway, aren't you often likely to get a better quote if you're living outside of Dublin (main cities aside)?

(I see a thread split coming...)


Re: QUINN wont insure some areas of Dublin

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:41 pm
by karlf
In the "greater Dublin area" (ie. Dublin and parts of Kildare, Meath, Wicklow that are close to Dublin) are usually higher risk than the rest of the country (excluding some major cities and towns) as far as I know. I got a few quotes for different addresses around the country and it was fairly similar for Dublin, Kildare, Meath, Wicklow and dropped slightly the further I got from Dublin. If you want to find out how much cheaper it is go onto quinn and you get a quote and then edit your address and see if it makes a difference. Thats what I did just as an experiment as you often hear that it makes a major difference if you live outside Dublin. Leitrim is the cheapest county to live in for insurance, well it was for me anyhow.

Re: QUINN wont insure some areas of Dublin

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:04 am
by Bernard
karlf wrote:Leitrim is the cheapest county to live in for insurance, well it was for me anyhow.

Well in fairness, Leitrim Co Co spare no expense when it comes to road safety.

Re: QUINN wont insure some areas of Dublin

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 6:48 am
by Dragonheart
Look, its the same no matter what county you're in. Ya dublin is higher compared to the rest of the country, but in the County of Cork its cheaper to insure a car in the country areas as opposed to the city. Why? Cause theres more crime up there, theres more traffic up there, you're statistically more likely to have an accident or a tip up there, more roundabouts, more traffic lights, more people not paying attention, the list goes on. For the same reason if you have an alarm on your car and its garaged then supposedly its cheaper too, than it being on the street unalarmed. So if an insurance company looks at stats or whatever and at their profit and loss margins, and see the areas that they are paying out most on, to cut their losses or increase their profits, they'll cut out the area causing most of the payments. Its a business, they're there to make money from it, not out of the goodness of their hearts.

Re: City vs. country insurance

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 9:27 am
by CJ
Topic split

Re: City vs. country insurance

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 1:47 am
by karlf
Even in Dublin depending on your postcode your insurance can go up/down. It was cheaper for me to insure my car at my mothers house in Lucan than the apartment I was renting in Ashtown (between Castleknock and Finglas. It wasn't much in the difference but better in my pocket than theirs. Lucan is Co.Dublin and Ashtown is D15, I think the Co.Dublin made the difference.