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Postby mark » Mon Jun 30, 2003 4:29 pm

Hi Guys and Gals,
Just wondering if anybody has a spare set of nuts(alloy 16" wheel nuts to be precise?)
Also,I think I have a problem with my air-con.Everytime I start the engine,this very load,ticking sound comes from behind the glove box.It sounds like a fan knocking off plastic;it lasts for about 1min.
If anyone can help especially with the wheel nuts i'd be eternally grateful!
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Re: NUTS ?

Postby Daz » Tue Jul 01, 2003 3:24 am

mark wrote:Hi Guys and Gals,
Just wondering if anybody has a spare set of nuts(alloy 16" wheel nuts to be precise?)
Also,I think I have a problem with my air-con.Everytime I start the engine,this very load,ticking sound comes from behind the glove box.It sounds like a fan knocking off plastic;it lasts for about 1min.
If anyone can help especially with the wheel nuts i'd be eternally grateful!

I ain't got spare wheel nuts sorry but i can tell you your ticking sound ain't your air con, sorry to say but it sounds like your tappets. when these are out of position by even a fraction they will give a ticking sound untill the oil in the engine is heated up (that will be the min your talking about) then will go away, if you had a problem with the aircon you would know about it as once anything on that goes your in big trouble, IE. if the heater matrix part of the aircon goes you won't see out your wind screen, if the bearing goes in your aircon then you'll get a squeeling sound till it siezes and then snaps your belt.

There is a tool to adjust the tappets but it is a special tool thou one of the owners in england managed to get the diagram for it an made one, try either j cars or SG site and see if he will lend it to ya.
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